Private sector loans/equity investments are in effect only being made by theĮBRD to bankable projects with a substantial export component and with a To private-sector projects and 40 per cent to the public sector. Rules, approved by its founder governments, that 60 per cent of the loans go Your article ('Spending at the European Bank', April 13). Sir, The major failing of the European Bank for Reconstruction andĭevelopment in the ex-Soviet Union and eastern Europe was not discussed in
Processed by FT 930419 From Mr ROGER MANSER Letter: EBRD - a meaningless comparison of estimates and the That there is much more to be gained by co-operation, including trade, withĪM Armenia, East Europe TR Turkey, Middle East P9721 International Affairs NEWS General News P9721 The Financial Times London 242 In spite of this, it is hard to find anyone in Ankara who does not believe Territories, and wishes the killings and the bloodshed to be stopped Nagorno-Karabakh and later escalated in other parts of Azberbaijani Turkey watches with concern the Armenian attacks which began in Some of the Armenian leadership have welcomed Turkey's attitude. Members of their families, and staff in cold blood in cities across the Years since Armenian terrorists gunned down more than 40 Turkish diplomats,
This involved a good deal of pragmatism, not least since it is only few Turkey has worked hard at building up good relations with this country. Since Armenia declared its independence nearly two years ago, In fact a certain amount of trade from the Caucasus and central Asia hasĪlready reached the outside world through the Turkish Black Sea port of Sir, Mr Steve LeVine is not entirely accurate when he says that Armenia'sĮfforts to find a trade route through Turkey have been hampered by thatĬountry's long enmity with Armenia ('Armenia battles on two fronts,' April Processed by FT 930419 From Mr AHMET ERSOY